covered include:
- Conveyancing
- Company Law
- Competition Law
- Corporate Crime
- Defamation
- Delict
- Health and Safety
- IT Law
- Legal Theory
covered include:
Competition Law
Commercial Banking
Company Law
Criminal Law
International Law
IT Law
Law and Economy
Medical Law
Tax Law
covered include:
Constitutional Law
Competition Law
Criminal Procedure
Legal Theory
Private International
covered include:
European Tax Law
- Public International
- Technology Law
About the Journal
Other Areas
Scots Law Student Journal
- Issue 3 - October 2001
Special Resources:
- International
Private Law
Conflict Aspects of
Consumer Contracts in the Electronic Age
The advent of e-commerce and its potential to create
an exponential rise in cross-border consumer contracting
provides practical legitimacy to the discussion of
consumer protection from the perspective of international
private law.
Paul Jarman-Williams, University of Glasgow, 2001
Paul also runs Scottish
Law Link at http://www.geocities.com/jarman_williams/
- Legal
Theory and International Private Law
Justice in Theory - Removed by Author
Does International Law provide a useful Mediating
Concept in times of Transition or Political Flux?
Oliver Graeme Harker, University of Glasgow, 2001
Please Note:
The University and year refer to where
and when the essay was written. It should be noted also that the contributors
may no longer be students but were at the time of writing.
No information contained above is intended
to be nor should be construed as being legal advice.
There is no guarantee that the works are correct at
all or accurately state the law of Scotland and users
are reminded that they should NOT rely on any
of the information without either taking legal advice
or confirming the information themselves through their
own research.
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