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About Scottish Law Online
The Aim of Scottish Law Online:
To be the very first place that anyone with an interest in Scots Law
would visit whenever they go on the internet. The websites are intended
to be of use to Scots lawyers, students and lecturers alike. Although they
are at present under construction and due to the nature of Scots Law, may
never be completed, it is hoped that they will soon contain hundreds of
links to everywhere that someone with an interest in Scots Law could wish
to go to.
History of the Sites:
From the outset, the internet was heralded as the means to locate information
at the click of a button, an end to wasting time looking for information.
Sadly, the reality which faced many law practitioners, academics, students
and the public was far from this ideal. Instead, users could spend hours
trawling through the vast numbers of pornography and hacking sites before
they found something as simple as HMSO. In 1997 I began a site called the
International Legal Reference Page which contained links to websites that
I found useful as a law student. The page was very basic and didn't contain
very many links. Surprisingly though, it received a very large number of
visits via the main search engines, notably Altavista.
The site remained this way until September 1999 when I decided that the
poor state of the site in the face of other sites around at the time was
actually an embarrassment rather than an asset. So I created a new website,
the Scots Law Online Resource Centre (SLORC), with a more structured approach
to indexing the legal sites available. Over the coming months, SLORC dramatically
increased in size and instead of overcomplicating the front entry page I
began to create sister sites which dealt with areas which did not really
fall under the idea of a legal portal or were too big for SLORC. The What's
New page contains more recent information.
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