(married with children)
Will for use where there are children to be provided for. This Last Will and Testament is suitable for a married person with children who wishes to leave all or the majority of their assets to their husband or wife and thereafter to their children in equal shares. The Will provides that should a child die before they inherit, then that child's share will pass to their own children, if any. Other options are included.
(where there are no children)
Will to be used where there are no children to be provided for. This Last Will and Testament form is suitable for a single person with no children; a married person with no children; or an unmarried person living with their partner with no children, where the testator (the person making the will) wishes to leave all or the majority of their assets to either: one beneficiary (e.g. their husband/wife/partner or a named beneficiary) and thereafter to another named beneficiary in the event of the first named beneficiary dying before the testator, or to a number of named beneficiaries in equal shares. Other options are included.
Will (unmarried with Children)
Will form for unmarried (but in a relationship) person with children. This Last Will and Testament is suitable for an unmarried person living with their partner with children who wishes to leave all or the majority of their assets to their partner and thereafter to their children in equal shares. The Will provides that should a child die before they inherit, then that child's share will pass to their own children, if any. Other options are included.
Will (single with children)
Will for a single person with children. This Last Will and Testament is suitable for a single person with children who wishes to leave all or the majority of their assets to their children in equal shares. The Will provides that should a child die before they inherit, then that child's share will pass to their own children, if any. Other options are included.
Document to be used to outline an individual's
wishes (with regard to medical care)in the event
of subsequent incapacitation. This Living Will, which must be signed whilst you are mentally competent, is a document setting out the circumstances under which you would not want to receive life-prolonging medical treatment if you became seriously ill in the future and were incapable of making your own health care decisions.
For use in modifying a will. You can make minor alterations to your Will without having to draft a new Will by using a document called a codicil. A codicil confirms a previous Will document but makes a few changes. If a small number of changes are required it is a simpler alternative to re-writing the entire Will.
Mirror Wills
Wills for a married couple.
(where there are children)
Will for use where there are children to be
provided for.