covered include:
- Conveyancing
- Company Law
- Competition Law
- Corporate Crime
- Defamation
- Delict
- Health and Safety
- IT Law
- Legal Theory
covered include:
Competition Law
Commercial Banking
Company Law
Criminal Law
International Law
IT Law
Law and Economy
Medical Law
Tax Law
covered include:
Constitutional Law
Competition Law
Criminal Procedure
Legal Theory
Private International
covered include:
European Tax Law
- Public International
- Technology Law
About the Journal
Other Areas
Scots Law Student Journal
About the Scots Law Student Journal
The Scots Law Student Journal was the first online Scots Law legal journal and presented a chance for
law students in Scotland to publish essays and other
work on the internet so that others could benefit from
their efforts. Although it is no longer accepting submissions, the articles are being maintained online in this archive. The
works have been contributed by law students in Scotland
and the views and opinions contained therein are theirs
alone and do not represent those of the Scots Law
Student Zone or Scottish Law Online. No information contained on the site is intended
to be nor should be construed as being legal advice. There is no guarantee that the works are correct
or accurately state the law of Scotland and users
are reminded that they should NOT rely on any of the
information on the site at all without either taking
legal advice or confirming the information themselves
through their own research.
About Plagiarism
This site is not intended to lead to an increase
in plagiarism. Students
are reminded that the site is intended to lead to
a more open system of essay writing in Scotland's
law schools. Lecturers at the Universities will be informed of the existence
of the SLSJ and will no doubt familiarise themselves
with the content of each issue. Copying information from the site has been
made more difficult by the use of Acrobat PDF files
to store the documents. At present, those students in the law schools
who know others in the year above are able to benefit
from copies of previous essays whereas those who do
not have such contacts are unable to benefit in the
same way. The advantages that this brings to the student are doubled when
we consider that many lecturers set the same or similar
essay questions each year.
Contributions are no longer being accepted for the journal.
Problems Reading the Essays
In order to read the essays you will need Adobe's
Acrobat Reader which you can download from Adobe.
If you still have problems then read the Adobe
Troubleshooting page which also contains an introduction
to PDF (Portable Document Format). I recommend that
when you try and view an essay you right-click on
the name, choose "Save Target As.." and
download it to whichever folder you wish on your hard
drive. If you have problems downloading then I further
recommend using Download Accelerator Plus which you
can get on the Web
Stuff page of the Recreation
Scottish Law Online
The Scots Law Student Journal is a part
of Scottish Law Online,
a collection of legal websites in Scotland aimed at
lawyers, academics, students and the public. This group of websites includes the Scots
Law Student Zone, which contains a guide to getting
a traineeship with a Scottish law firm as well as
many other resources for Scottish law students. In order to assist those conducting research,
the An A to Z of the Law of Scotland and Search Law have all been created so that
information on the internet can be found more quickly.
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